Stepmom Intensive





Now is the time for you to start feeling like it!


Deep down, do you find

yourself saying…?

“It might be easier to get a divorce and not deal with your stepkids or your high-conflict bio mom”?


“I’m tired of being the ‘mean one’ because I’m stuck in the middle of fun dad - AKA ‘Guilty Dad Syndrome’ - and best friend forever, bio-mom”? (Because, of course, how else would you get voted best mom of the year?)

It sucks being a Stepmom. Even on the best of days — especially on the best days — something happens to remind you, once again, of your life being controlled by the action of others.

Enough with feeling resentful, stressed, or lonely, when you can turn that into where you are feeling peaceful, unbothered and fulfilled. 

Yes, there is a way you can be completely fulfilled in your marriage, while being unbothered by BioMom’s toxic behavior, and have a peaceful household full of respectful step-kid(s).


When you become #StepmomStrong you are no longer bound by the actions (or lack of) of your partner’s ex. 

Once you know how to use the 4 fundamental elements to thrive in your BonusMom role (these methods feel like magic, but they're truly helping you rewire emotional and behavioral patterns!), they create the FOUNDATION you need to move forward in peace, and the mindset and strategy necessary to shift your energy and your thinking.

My process won't change your past. I just help you change the meaning you've been giving it and allowing it to make you angry and sadness. You won't stop having feelings. But you will release old suffering and create emotional space.

How good will it feel to give yourself permission to be the woman of influence you are in your step kids life?

You are still that fun, sexy, loving woman your husband fell in love with.




What’s Included?

  • (1) 6-hour of individual coaching

  • (1) 30-minute consult prior to intensive

  • Pre-work assignments/Post-work assignments

  • (4) 15-minute check-in post-intensive

Investment: $997


We Collaborate Together on Strategy to Address Your Unique Stepmom Struggle By:

  • Identifying goals for you as a woman outside of your wife / stepmom role.

  • Creating result-driven action plan(s) when it comes to dealing with a toxic Bio-Mom.

  • Constructing tailor-made solutions in dealing with co-parenting alongside with your spouse.

  • Improving emotional health when dealing with resentment, bitterness and frustration.

  • Finding your new blended family perspective to prevent disappointments, isolation or guilt.

Here Are Just Some of the Results You Can Expect to Achieve:

You will be emotionally equipped to embrace your Stepmom life.

You will know how to focus more on what you can control. 

You will have so much inner peace that letting go of frustrations created by bio mom's actions or feelings towards you becomes second nature.


What My Clients Have to Say

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A win working with you: making a decision that would of put a strain on the relationship between the Bio mom and my husband because if I had made a decision to talk to her no matter what I said it would of turned out ugly. The stepmom coach being able to assess the bio mom's temperament has been extremely helpful and allowing me to see it from another set of eyes. It has also let me know we will never be friends and in a true partnership due to the competitive, immature and insecure issues of the bio mom i.e. established vs not established, mature vs immature, secure vs insecure, just completely different. You can change that up however you need to.

- Anonymous Stepmom

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Why do I want to work with a coach, it's easy to assess a situation through your eyes and act on your thoughts and emotions which is I would of said my peace to this woman and because that's not her mindset would probably be fighting her in court to see the child as well as having health issues trying to restrain myself for a combat war with her. Speaking with the step mom coach help me assess the situation and look at it from all parties involved eyes. It help me see why my husband did certain things and why he didn't do certain things, after speaking with the stepmom coach I truly understood my husbands intentions and the why behind the action. I understood who my husband was a lot more as a non confrontational man whose way mature than his baby mama. Without the stepmom coach I wouldn't of been successful because this experience of dating and marrying a man with children and an immature baby mama was something I've never dealt with and it was a great deal of learning, understanding mistakes, misunderstandings and growth through this process. From not having boundaries in the beginning to having boundaries to expressing and showing the manipulation and how things were made harder for my husband on the baby mama's behalf for no reason and how she would pull him in her mess that has nothing to do with the child but understanding if she not straight mentally how that affects my step daughter. It's been a ride and an educational one with my stepmom Coach. I have less stress because if her and made decisions that keep my relationships healthy and strong.

- Anonymous Stepmom #2



My situation is unlike anyone else’s. What if this doesn’t work for me?

If I did my part and you did your part, and somehow things don’t work, there is a 100% money-back guarantee written in bold in our agreement.

Does a coaching intensive session really work?

As a certified Master Coach Practitioner I use techniques that can be done during the session and will have a lasting effect in your life even after our time together.  Also, with the per consult and the post check-in, this is over 2-hours of time together. Lastly, the pre-and-post assignments help aid you in your ultimate transformation as well.

What do we actually DO during the intensive?

Stepmom coaching is a positive, support focused and client-centered service that assists individuals in (re)claiming their pleasure. The goal is for you, the client, to walk away from the intensive feeling lighter, a better emotional state, confident and with a new set of tools to use in your life as a wife and Stepmom. Additionally, a safe, non-judgmental space is offered for clients to achieve positive changes based on their desires and goals.

So why should I work with you?

If you are a stepmom that what to make a dramatic shift. You are open to a stepmom coach being able to assess the bio mom's temperament in a way that helps to see it from another set of eyes. You will be getting help from someone that has been in your same spot. I can use this to help you understand why you are having certain stepmom struggles and why bio-mom does certain things, after our session you will better understand your husband’s intentions and the why behind the actions when co-parenting with his ex.


Scheduling Your Coaching Session

Scheduling your coaching intensive is easy! 

​Simply click the "schedule appointment" button below and select the day/time that fits your schedule. Please pick a time where you will not be interrupted and the space is comfortable for you.

​*Please note that payment is due at the time of scheduling. Once your appointment is confirmed, we will contact you within (3) days to schedule a 30-minute consult call before your 2- scheduled hour intensive session. This is to ensure we are a good fit to work together to meet your goals. If we are not a good fit for some reason, or I feel I cannot be of service to you, you will be refunded.


From Stepmom to Stepmom

As a Stepmom (AKA Bonus Mom), I put everything I could into being a good role model. So I worked hard to keep a balanced family life while achieving my goals. And over the years, I studied what made blended families gel and used these techniques (with a whole lot of prayer) to create harmony in my household. Soon after, I started sharing what I knew with other women. And that’s when the true change started to happen.

I learned early on that when families blend together in the right way, beautiful things happen. I thank God every day for allowing me to live up to my potential as both a strong mother and a smart, sexy woman with endless possibilities. My leadership and understanding have transformed the lives of many women and their blended families over the years.

Today, I'm happily married to an amazing husband and a blended family that consists of both of our kids. If anyone knows Blended Family Bliss, it’s me!