My Funny Valentine (Blended family edition)

happy V-Day!


You're my funny valentine,

Sweet comic valentine,

You make me smile with my heart.

Your looks are laughable, un-photographable,

Yet, you're my favorite work of art.


For some this may be the 1st for other this may just be a reminder of how far you and that ”hunk a hunk burning” love have come. I remember when I started dating my husband, everyone I talked to was unsure of my relationship. Even nowadays, when I share my blended family story, people will raise their eyebrows.


Many people say dating someone with kids is something they don’t  want to do and can give you a long list of why not to get involved let alone fall in love.  I’m not saying that all those comments magically disappeared, they’ll come to my mind every now and then, especially when things get hard or heavy.


Just the same I am glad I went for it anyway.  And just like the song “My Funny Valentine” says things are never picture perfect, but the love for my husband and our kids is one of my favorite creations.


Remember that no matter how hard things seem to get, you need to keep moving forward, sometimes we may feel like we’re last, unappreciated,  but I want you to know you matter.


You are amazing, for having so much love within you, and for deciding your love with your special someone was more important than what everyone else had to say, therefore I want to encourage you to know that anything is possible.


And on this day of LOVE, I dare you to kiss goodbye any negativity, and never let your Funny Valentine go!


Is your figure less than Greek?

Is your mouth a little weak?

When you open it to speak, are you smart?

But, don't change a hair for me.

Not if you care for me.

Stay little valentine, stay!

Each day is Valentine’s Day!

***My Funny Valentine Lyrics