Secret number 4 is acceptance. A lot of people have the wrong concept about acceptance. They think of it as defeat, but it is quite the contrary. When we find ourselves able to accept what goes on in our life, we can move on.
Denial keeps us stuck in a situation because it does not allow our creativity to kick in and look for different ways to turn things around, while acceptance helps us notice where we are, whether it is where we want to be or if we’re too far off.
Acceptance helps us come up with a plan to get whatever issue we have back on the right track. It helps us build a bridge between the now and the future. And I think we all need to get rid of that negative connotation of the word.
Let’s say you are having problems with your spouse. If you deny there is an issue to begin with, there is no way you can resolve it. There needs to be an acknowledgment of what is going on so you can move forward. So in my opinion, acceptance is one of the most beautiful things you can do for yourself and others.
Next time someone tells you to accept something, don’t see it as being passive. See it as being proactive for yourself. See it as the tool that will help you create the path that you want to follow. Accept where you are today so you can create a better tomorrow.
If you struggle with acceptance and many other issues, book a one-on-one with me so I can help you tap into your inner strength and love to overcome everything.
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