Hello Awesome Stepmom,
Self-doubt is a common issue discussed by those who battle their inner critic regularly. The nagging belief that you’re not good enough or that you can’t succeed is incredibly pervasive. It can become internalized and hold you back from many of your most desired goals. It’s a self-defeating belief that can even be used as a coping mechanism to keep you from trying the things that scare you. Read on to learn more about self-doubt and what you can do to overcome it.
Self-doubt is a self-sabotaging and nagging voice inside your head that is repetitive and negative. While you may not hear actual words playing over and over again in your mind, you likely experience emotions related to the internal messages you are giving yourself. It’s possible, also, that others may have stoked your self-doubt. This can be a parent, spouse, teacher, or other close personal associate. When people send us signals, either out loud or through their actions, it’s easy to start to believe those messages. And it’s incredibly difficult to overcome the effects they have on you once you’ve internalized them.
Stop The Inner C
When you can see these obstacles, you can overcome them.
Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt as a Stepmom
There are lots of ways to recognize self-doubt and kick it to the curb.
First, notice when you find yourself making excuses for why you can’t do something or don’t want to pursue an opportunity. Ask yourself if there is a legitimate reason that’s holding you back or if it may be self-doubt trying to sabotage you.
Look for patterns in the messages you’re telling yourself. If you see a recurring thing such as belief you’re not good enough or that you’re an imposter, chances are you simply need to push self-doubt aside and take on the challenge that faces you. Look for these repetitive messages or other things that may trigger your self-doubt. When you can see these obstacles, you can overcome them.
Finally, cut yourself some slack. This is especially important if you’re a perfectionist. The attempts you make don’t have to be perfect. What matters is that you try and that you take steps toward your goals. Be easy on yourself and be your own cheerleader. You can also recruit trusted friends to support you. Often, others believe in us more than we believe in ourselves.
Use these tips to overcome self-doubt. That inner critic will be gone in no time once you start taking proactive measures such as these to measure it.