Hello Awesome Stepmom!
Getting in the habit of addressing your inner critic can be really tough. As they say, old habits die hard. That’s because we become so used to doing things a certain way that it usually doesn’t occur to us to do them any differently. By the time we decide a change is needed, it takes serious effort to break long-held, ingrained habits.
This is true of your inner critic.
You’ve gotten used to hearing and believing its messages. Ignoring or refuting those words will take time. But, as with most habits, it does get easier with practice. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you why.
Your Brain Creates New Paths
One very real reason new habits, including silencing your inner critic, get easier with time is because your brain creates new neural paths the more you repeat a behavior. Your old neural pathways will remain in place, though, so you have to continue a new habit over and over in order to forge new pathways to counteract the old. These new paths will get stronger and stronger with time, eventually replacing the old one. This process makes the new habit seem automatic the more times it’s practiced.
To find out more about how I quiet down what I call Trashy Teresa watch the video below.