Which is better: out of pocket or court ordered Child Support?
Money issues between husband and wife are an age-old issue, now add Child Support to the mix. How people deal with money in their marriage will vary. Separate accounts, joint accounts, going half on bills, the man pays the bulk.
These are the conversations we need to have in the beginning, before we breathe life into a blended family. Please, don’t forget to talk about what if things change. Get to know what each other's spending habits are when it comes to needs and wants.
Don’t take it personal if your rationales don’t add up. Often times the way we spend money on our kids and/or stepkids is in relation to the way we grew up. Even if you have talked about this in the past it does not hurt to revisit the topic from time to time.
In this week’s video, I cover this topic and give some pointers and personal opinions based on my experience.