How Do We Manage to Fill Everyone Else and We Are Running on “E” (Empty)

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Hello lovely stepmoms today we are gonna talk about self-care, again! Yeah you heard me, again, it is one of my favorite topics.

Self-Care vs Narcissism

There is a difference between proper self-care and narcissism and I think a chart would help me illustrate it properly.


  • You know you have to give yourself the best to be able to give your best to others.

  • You strive for balance cause in the end that is what will make you happy.

  • Improves your relationship with others

  • Gives you a deep understanding of love because you know it is a whole rather than something specific





  • You don’t care what you put out into the world all you care about is yourself.

  • You’re not concerned about balance, you care more about instant gratification.

  • Destroys your relationship with others

  • Pushes love away as a Narcissist would never do anything for anyone but himself/herself

If you want to know more about self-care please read up my blog on self-care here. 


Watch the video below!


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